Kaydence LeAnne Tanke
January 11, 2008 at 1:23 p.m., my beautiful daughter was born. Kaydence LeAnne Tanke was 6 lbs. 12 oz. and 19 inches long. I couldn’t have felt more proud from when I first got to meet and hold my baby girl. I will never forget the day my beautiful daughter was born, it was the best moment of my life.
At the hospital, we had a lot of company and support from many of our family and friends. During the long exciting wait of the labor, we had the love and support of many including the following; My mother, and my girlfriends parents, aunt, and grandmother. As well as a few more family members in the waiting room all anxiously awaiting the arrival. We were able to stay two nights at the hospital and had many visitors. Many of our friends stopped up to see my new baby girl. I was very appreciative of my friends who came and showed their support. On our last night of our hospital stay, the nurses took Kaydence so my girlfriend and I could have a nice dinner together alone. The tips and gravy dinner they had brought us was very good, but I really just couldn’t wait to hold my baby girl again. I will never forget these 2 wonderful days of my life.
After our two night stays at the hospital, it was finally time for us to go and be much comfort at home. The day we arrived home my strong baby was already lifting her head. She was so amazing at everything she did. Bath time was my favorite. She loved lying and playing in the nice warm water. My favorite though, was when we took her out to dry because all her daddy’s curls would come out. They were adorable. At the time, my new family was living at my girlfriends parent’s house so we had plenty of help and support at home. After a few months, we finally got our own place to call home so we could really start to be a family. It was really nice to be in the comfort of our own home. I really love my family.
Today, my daughter is already almost 3 years old and I enjoy every minute of everyday with who is still, and always will be my baby girl. Kaydence is so smart she just seems to amaze me with something new everyday. She has the biggest vocabulary for a two year old. We can have and hold conversations. She definitely has attitude already though. As of today, my daughters favorite show on television is Icarly, which is funny because she is only two years old. It is a pretty funny show though, and I always get laughs out of it. Right now we are in the potty training process. So far she is doing very well. Only a few accidents, but she’s getting better everyday and now only wears diapers for bed. I couldn’t be more proud of her.
Kaydence LeAnne Tanke, my beautiful daughter, is the love of my life and I would do anything for her. From day one at the hospital we have had the love and support of many friends and family. I really appreciate all my family does for me. Without their support I don’t know what I would do. I would do anything for my daughter and cant wait to see what new things will come our way. Everyday is a new experience and wouldn’t take anything back. From the moment Kaydence was born I have never felt a stronger bond. I love my daughter more than anything, and will never forget the best moment of my life when she was born.
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